Thursday, March 31, 2011

Last Alliance Elves started

I had the day off today, so I made use of the "free" time to block in most of the colors for my Last Alliance Elves...16 of them in all, 8 archers, 8 with blade...

Thankfully, these guys are only in 4 different poses and are uniform in I can move fairly quickly without having to reevaluate each figure as I go...

The blue is pretty brilliant, but I think it will darken up when I get to the stain/wash stage...The gold is one I haven't used before, but I think I'm going to like it. The silver is Folk Art "aluminum" silver I've found by them so far...

As you can see from the paint splattered around here and there, I'm not real careful at this stage...I try and paint from the inside out to make it easier not to put paint where it isn't supposed to be, but it still gets around. No problem...I'll do a "touch up" stage right before I start highlighting. I hope to get these guys done this weekend...or at least in time for our next game of LOTR!

UP NEXT: My son's Warg Riders got primered black today...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Painted Uruk Hai and Wood Elves

Here's a sampling of what I've been working on...These two sets are the first miniatures I've ever really painted. There are a total of 20 Uruk Hai (my son's) and 24 Wood Elves (mine). I painted them fairly detailed, then attempted the "dip" method. They turned out a little darker than I anticipated, but overall I'm satisfied. I'll probably try and do lighter shades  on my Last Alliance Elves (also pictured)...

I was rather proud of my "white hand" on his captain's shield...

Also my first attempts at basing with flock and static grass...I like this stuff!

...and my Last Alliance Elves I just started today...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

First LOTR game

Well, after many weeks of accumulating, painting, and preparing for a game, my son and I finally hooked up with another father/son combo for some LOTR Strategy Battle Game action!

We set up two armies...My son teamed up with the other dad with their Uruk Hai and Orc army...His son and I joined our forces of good-dwarves and wood elves. We fought in and around a ruined city complete with graveyard and a few trees...lots of difficult obstructions for my Elven archers.

Some of the Uruk Hai went straight through the city...

Others went up the left side to clash with the Dwarven forces...

Though really blurry, the top of the picture shows my wood elves taking on their troll. Meanwhile, the dwarves move to fend off the Uruk Hai in the midst of the city...

Ultimately, we called a draw...But it was a blast! Lots more troops and terrain in the making, and I hope to take more pictures next time out.